Wednesday, January 9, 2013

VIDEO BLOG: Respected Film Actor, Jeremy Irons, Talks About the Topic of the Death Penalty (DUE 1/10)

DIRECTIONS: Please watch the video and respond in the comment box with your thoughts about what he is saying and the position that he is taking.

Please answer the following questions within your response:
  • What types of appeals does he use? Ethos? Pathos? Logos?
  • Is his argument successful? Why?
  • Do you agree or disagree with what he is saying? Explain.



  1. jeremy irons uses ethos and logos in his argument

    he makes a successful argument because he only uses ethos and logos in his argument he points out very important facts like "thall shall not torcher"

    i agree with his argument and i like the points he makes i believe the death penalty should not be aloud in the United states

  2. Jeremy irons uses ethos and logos in his argument because he is giving credibility to the countries that used the death penalty and logos because its really logic that he is talking about not opinions.

    his argument is very successful because mostly the logic behind the work of the death penalty and how many people were affected by the struggle.

    I believe that the death penalty should not be allowed for every crime you do only if you murder someone so i believe that the death penalty should be aloud just with restrictions and it doesn't matter because he/she might have to serve jail time for life so let the death penalty be allowed for the U.S.A!

  3. ~ He used Ethos and Logos.

    ~ Yes, he had good reasons for why the death penalty is wrong, and backed up his theory with factual evidence.

    ~I agree with Jeremy Irons, because he sees that there are more wrong in the death penalty then there are rights.

    Kristen Andress. 6th period.

  4. Jeremy Irons use ethos & pathos.
    Yes his argument is successful because he says good things & he back up with evidence that was true.He also said ''everybody is a human'' so therefor if a human does something wrong.They deserve to pay the price and do jail time.
    I agree with Jeremy because he sees that there are more wrong in the death penalty then rights.Also he knows if somebody does something wrong, they deserve to go to jail. But the death penalty should be in every state.

  5. Dathan Holmes - Jeremy is against the death penalty and I stand with him. As he said " We are all human beings " so why treat others like their not and murder. Them. We all understand that murdering people I's wrong but the life sentencing is enough. DATHAN also he uses logos and pathos.
