Please make sure that you are working on your
Shakespeare Project, which includes
3 tiers (all weighted equally):
RESEARCH PAPER - Your paper must be 7-10 pages (5-7 pgs. of content - sources cited in MLA style throughout, written in 12pt. Times New Roman/Arial font, and follow all rules and conventions of the Modern Language Association (MLA format). Furthermore, please make sure that your focus is on the topic that you selected and how it is explored within the play.
ORGANIZATIONAL COMPONENT - blog, website, folder - which has a variety of visual aides, such as pictures, photographs, and video content.
PRESENTATION PIECE - The remainder of the year following the project deadline will consist of student presentations in seminar. If you do not wish to perform a live presentation, then you are welcome to use available technology to give a video presentation. Your call. Either way, I suggest you make it as interactive, entertaining, and content-driven as possible.
Keep in mind, you have already had 3 weeks to work on this so far (by the project deadline, AN ENTIRE MONTH), so I am expecting to see a quality project with a month's worth of work.
Please see me if you have any questions!
Keep up the good work!
Mr. Williams